Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone”
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The choice is yours! Let’s start by understanding laughter.  Laugh means a set of gestures and production of some peculiar sounds, usually to express amusement, triumph or contempt. And laughter means the act or sound of laughing. So, what is “Laughter Yoga”? How can laughter be a form of treatment or therapy?

Importance of Laughter:

Laughter is a natural physical process, considered as a universal language requiring no interpreters. We are born with the ability to laugh, it is free, highly infectious and in a way, without side effects. It is a good relaxation technique as it relaxes both our body and mind. An internal organ massager, it reduces stress, anxiety and relieves pain. Our body is like a biological pharmacy producing lifesaving drugs and Laughter is one of the key to enter the drug store and accessing those vital drugs any time, 24/7. An important socializing tool, laughter helps to reduce aggression and conflict. Laughter indeed is the best medicine!

Why Laughter is the Best Medicine?

It is a clinically researched fact that Laughter does affect the body, mind and soul.  Laughter benefits people suffering from depression, high blood pressure, asthma, cancer, arthritis and other debilitating and painful ailments.  No doubt it is called as the best medicine. In addition, it is an effective social tool to bond with fellow human beings and to improve personal relationships at home and at work.  

  • Laughter activates the Immune System
  • Laughter decreases “stress” hormones
  • Laughter relaxes muscle
  • Laughter reduces pains and aches
  • Laughter exercises internal organs (heart, lungs…)
  • Laughter stabilizes blood pressure
  • Laughter cleanses the Respiratory System

Based on extensive scientific research studies in India, USA, Germany and South Africa and other countries, it is a well-established fact that laughter involves the entire physiology of the body. It affects the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the muscular system, the central nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system. Laughter is known to release endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller, and enhances activities of our body’s natural ‘killer’ cells that attack the cells infected by a virus and also certain types of cancer and tumour cells. The body also experiences a boost in cell-mediated immunity by the increasing levels of activated T-cells (T lymphocytes) and the antibody, IgA (immunoglobulin A), which fights upper respiratory tract infections. Laughter is also a good cardio workout, increasing heart activity, and thus stimulating circulation. After the laughter subsides, the cardiovascular system goes into a state of relaxation.

Laughter Club:

After reading American writer Norman Cousin’s account of how extensive belly laughing helped to bring him back from a painful near-total paralysis, Dr. Madan Kataria, the Indian physician and founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement started the first laughter club in 1995 in Mumbai, India. Now we have Laughter Clubs all over the world! The World Laughter Day is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of May every year. It is a positive manifestation for world peace to build up a global consciousness of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. Today we have over 6000 Laughter Clubs in more than sixty countries across five continents.

The contraindications:

Fortunately, there is yet not a single untoward or fatal incident in the history of laughter movement. Although laughter does not really have any negative side effects, cardiac patients and those who have undergone bypass surgery should not participate in the Laughter Yoga sessions, as it involves some physical strain and a rise in intra-abdominal pressure. Hence, Laughter Yoga is contraindicated for people with following conditions: – heart problem with chest pain (by-pass surgery), abdominal hernia, asthma, advanced piles, utero-vaginal prolapse, uncontrolled blood pressure, pregnancy, tuberculosis, viral infection, eye complications or any other condition where aerobics is contraindicated.

What is Laughter Yoga?

Laughter Yoga workshop session helps you to harness the stimulating effects of laughter and experiencing the calmness of yoga! You will get infused with self-healing after-effects, to de-stress and refresh!! Conducted as a group session Laughter Yoga combines laughter exercises with yogic deep breathing and body stretches interspaced with mindful visualizations and positive affirmations. This helps to energize and rejuvenate the mind, body and uplift the spirits; it strengthens the immune system and reduces aches and pains. So you see, laughter has both preventive and curative aspects. If used properly and pursued regularly, Laughter Yoga will definitely improve your physical, psychological, social and spiritual health. So laugh a lot. Remember, even simple smile counts, so keep collecting! Join a Laughter Club today or form one with your friends and colleagues….

Cheryl Oberg, the founder of Calgary’s Caring Clown Association has beautifully expressed benefits of laughter: “When you push your cheeks up making a smile, your body starts releasing the chemicals that help make you feel good.”

Purnima is offering Laughter Yoga workshop sessions at the Viva Care Newton clinic on every 2nd Wednesday, between 6.30 & 7.30 pm. Limited seats available, so attendance is by booking only!

Book a visit with her today by clicking here.

“You don’t stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.” Michael Pritchard

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